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That is of course entirely up to you; however, I recommend that you do not. If the woman with whom you are corresponding is really interested in you then she will certainly respond without any financial incentive. Every day I receive the latter from men who was scamed :
#1 thing you must remember then you correspond with some one on Internet : REMEMBER DO NOT SEND MONEY !!!!! EVER!!!!REMEMBER NO MATTER WHAT STORY ANY ONE YOU ARE CORRESPONDING WITH MAY TELL YOU !
Russian single women have O% possibility to get travel USA visa or travel visa to most other countries. ! It`s the most used scam - send me money for visa and ticket ," I have friend in travel agency , or I have visa .".. story could be is deferent , but end the same they want money ! If you want to meet her go to her country and meet her in person ! The bast way go with good travel dating agency , like that you will know you going to meet real women who looking for relationship not to scam you. If you see or think you are scamed I would advise to stop to correspond with that women right away .
I know I repeat myself again but : REMEMBER DO NOT SEND MONEY !!!!! EVER!!!!
Russian women can enter USA only by fiance visa! The only real way it is for you to apply for a fiancee visa for her. And you must to meet her first at her country at first ! Russian sincere women will not come to your country until she meets you in person at her home city . Many scammers will also say they have a friend at a travel agency who has connections. Do not believe it, travel agency have nothing to do with USA visa . I now you want to belive women then you correspond with her but for them You are not first in that mistake and unfortunately not last . They know what they doing . Do not send money , you never see her and never get your money back !
I`ts allots of red flag :
She don`t give you phone#. Russian women who really interesting in communication with you will expect you would call her! She will give her phone # ,address , and if in some reason she don`t have phone at home she will ask friend for using phone or work # , anything in order to toke with you at person. She may ask you to call her with interpreter if she speak bad English but she will want to toke to you !!! And after she will expect you will come to Russia to meet her .
Women who makes belive she is interesting to meet you, but however,don`t want to give you her home address and home phone number will be scam. As well she probably don`t answer to your questions completely . You probably receive general latter from her .
Most of the scams latter like that will be like : latter would be translated very pour in on-line translation program . Don`t forget they send same letters to several people, changing only your name .You would have hard time to find any answers for your questions in her letters , but because you would have hard time to read it you may think it`s because language barrier . But some of them can wright in perfect English . the main thing they will ask for money !!!!
Most common She will tell you allots of deferent stores totally unrelated to what you ask her about . After that she will tell - something happened very bad and she really need money , or - she really like you ,and want to meet you , and in fact she can get visa ( or even have it - you even may get photo copy of it in one of the latter )Do not belive it! What main part of the story -she will ask for money .It could be from $50 -5000 . Right after she get money she will be gone.
If you want to see the women you correspond , tell her only the way to meet it`s if you came to her city .And ask her for reinsurance like her address , phone number ,passport copy . If she have no bad intentions she will give it to you . Call her if you have phone # ... And then go and meet her at her home city.Contact agency you find her from , ask them questions . Good agency will insure you the girl is real, and they will have her real paper photo , address , phone # , Work only with good agency who have personal offices in all tour detonations , ask how many years they are in business , how many people work for them .What tip of travel services and costumer services they have ,can you toke with they are x-clients or not ?
Remember do not send money to anyone you haven met in person at list ones and spend with at list several days with her !
As well educate yourself , toke with others:
"Every Monday evening from 9PM to 10PM, Eastern Standard Time. Participation is easy and FREE (normal long distance charges will apply). Simply call 1-404-920-6610 and when prompted enter conference code 935905# Once you have joined the conference simply press *1 to join the conversation!
Live telephone discussion group as our panel answers your questions concerning Russian brides, immigration issues, cultural differences and Russian marriage services/Romance Tours.Answers your questions concerning Russian brides, Russian women, Latin women, Asian women immigration issues, cultural differences and Russian marriage services/Romance Tours. Our panel will include ,Immigration Attorney Maria V. Jones," John Adams, President of A Foreign Affair, past Romance Tour clients and real Russian ladies who have married American men and are now living in the USA. You will be joined by up to 50 callers from around the world for an hour of informative, current and important information for anyone considering meeting and marrying a foreign bride. "
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