


If you are seriously interesting to meet Russian women or foreign women from other country for serious relationship- Romance Tour is the best choice for you. Good organized Romance Tour would save you allot of time, money and as well give you better protection from possible dating fraud. Instead travel 5000 miles to meet some one you even don't know is real and have 70% chances it wouldn't work - during good romance tours you have ongoing introduction, sisals and help and support of office members. It gives you much better chances to find right person and have successful relationship together. You have someone who gives you honest answers at all your questions and help you go around in foreign country you nothing knows about. So ether you prefer group tours or personal tours it's better then you go on your one. If you think about find Russian bride , or going to Russia or other foreign country for Romance tour I personally recommend A Foreign Affair tours.
The reason I recommend A Foreign Affair for your dating and foreign travel needs is becous it`s most respected International Introduction and Singles Tour Company !
I trust and recommend them! A Foreign Affair-they are sponsored Russian Women Scam List and Free Live telephone discussion group.
- A Foreign Affair www.loveme.com has been in the introductions industry for over 12 years.
- A Foreign Affair have Highest women to men ratios in the industry.
- At A Foreign Affair tour You are really going to meet 500 to 2000 beautiful women during the tour!
- A Foreign Affair the largest, most respected Tour Company in the industry and the only one to operate offices in every tour city.
- A Foreign Affair Only Tour company to offer an after hours Tour Hot Line to answer all your tour questions at your convenience. They always happy to answer all your questions and they would provide complete introduction and travel services with very high standards.
- A Foreign Affair provide at least 4-star accommodations with single occupancy and private bath for your Tour.You never have to share a room with another client.
- A Foreign Affair offers more Romance Tours to more cities than any other tour company.
- They handle all the aspects of a tour to Russia,Latin America,Ukrain,Latvia with over 15 distentions, and are associated with a highly respected immigration attorney who can handle fiancee visa processing. In addition, their web site is one of the most informative on all aspects of the foreign marriage industry. All women profile posted from central office and have paper photos and home addresses .
- All of the women attending the socials are invited by personal invitation only with the largest women to men ratios in the industry, and regarded by the women as the best and most tastefully done.A Foreign Affair invite DIFFERENT women to each Social.
- A Foreign Affair only the agency who do not run large advertisements prior to the socials and literally invite anyone and everyone off the street to attend.A Foreign Affair also register each woman in at the reception desk so they know exactly who is there for those that are looking for specific women. A Foreign Affair also register women to be sure that women who have been banned from the service do not try to come to the social.
- A Foreign Affair Socials are all inclusive, food, alcoholic beverages, you never need to purchase food or drinks for the women, it is all included unlike other services.A Foreign Affair Socials held in the best possible venue for that city, most are held in the same hotel you are staying in, in the banquet hall
- A Foreign Affair only company who have a hospitality room, a real office, set up for each tour (many are A Foreign Affair own offices that operate year round) that operates from 9 in the morning until 8 at night. It is fully staffed and you will find all the profiles of all the female clients in that region. A Foreign Affair staff is there to assist you in making one on one dates with any of the women from A Foreign Affair service, or any other women you may have personal contact information for. The staff is also there to assist you in making phone calls, reservations, assist with translations etc. etc. Many ofA Foreign Affair clients develop a strong bond with A Foreign Affair staff members because of the excellent service they receive during their stay. No other company comes close to providing this kind of personalized service.
- All tours met in the United States by at least one American Tour director, in addition to our English speaking, experienced foreign staff.
- A Foreign Affair conduct hundreds of group and individual tours each and every year, the most in the industry!
- A Foreign Affair conduct more tours to more cities than any other company. for today about 30 distanations
- A Foreign Affairhave never canceled a tour
A Foreign Affair have Over 40,000 beautiful, sincere women to choose from, selected from over 600,000 applicants!
- As well this company support Live telephone discussion group I talking about at my site , I recommend it to everyone who involved in Internet dating , it`s
"Every Monday evening from 9PM to 10PM Eastern Time and Thursday evening from 11PM to 12AM, Eastern Time. Participation is easy and FREE (normal long distance charges will apply). Simply call 1-404-920-6610 and when prompted enter conference code 935905# Once you have joined the conference simply press *1 to join the conversation! Its Free !!!
For mor information You can Call A Foreign Affair 602-553-8178 ext 206 and ask for Stive
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