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The Embassy of the Russian Federation

The man never stay at one place. At all times there were travellers that discovered new lands, animals, minerals. They studied our planet for their descendants to know all about it.

Embassy of the Russian Federation is the state body of external relations of the Russian Federation, carrying out representation of the Russian Federation in the state of stay.

The embassy is established under the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation in connection with establishment of diplomatic relations with the appropriate foreign state at the level of embassies on the basis of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

The embassy carries out its activity according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, Regulation on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Regulation on the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Russian Federation in the foreign state, the present Regulation, statutory acts and instructions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, and also the Viennese convention on the diplomatic relations and other applicable norms of international law.

The embassy provides realization of uniform political line of the Russian Federation in relations with the state of stay and in these purposes carries out coordination of activity and control of work taking place in the state of stay of representations of federal enforcement authorities, the Russian official bodies, the organizations and enterprises, their delegations and groups of experts, and also representations of subjects of the Russian Federation.

On the building of Embassy or its territory the national Flag of the Russian Federation is risen, the board with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and inscription "Embassy of the Russian Federation in (name of the foreign state)" in Russian and the state of stay language (state languages) is established.

Embassy, its employees and members of their families use in the state of stay privileges and immunities according to international law and the legislation of the state of stay.

Primary tasks and functions of Embassy are:

Representation of the Russian Federation in the state of stay;

Maintenance of national interests, realization of external policy of the Russian Federation in the state of stay;

Performance of orders of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia;

Gathering of information on the state of stay, the analysis of relations of the Russian Federation with the state of stay, its external and internal policy, position in the system of the international relations, and also studying of activity of other states, the international organizations and the unions in the region;

Informing of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, other federal enforcement authorities on questions of external and internal policy of the state of stay and submission when due hereunder of offers on development of relations of the Russian Federation with the state of stay, maintenance of interests of the Russian Federation in the appropriate region and the whole world;

Maintenance with diplomatic means of development of cooperation of the Russian Federation with the state of stay in political, trade and economic, scientific and technical, cultural and other fields representing mutual interest; rendering of assistance to the state bodies and if necessary to public associations and representatives of business circles of the Russian Federation in the establishment of contacts with the state bodies, representatives of public associations and business circles of the state of stay;

Reception when due hereunder from federal bodies of the government, bodies of the government of subjects of the Russian Federation, institutions of local government, and also enterprises, establishments and organizations of documents, help and other materials necessary for the solution of questions, included in the competence of Embassy, transfer when due hereunder of information to the specified bodies, enterprises, establishments and organizations;

Participation in preparation of projects of the international contracts of the Russian Federation with the state of stay, offers on the conclusion, performance, termination of contracts, control of performance of bilateral contracts of the Russian Federation with the state of stay, and also multilateral contracts regarding relations of the Russian Federation with the state of stay;

Protection in the state of stay of rights and interests of citizens and legal persons of the Russian Federation taking into account the legislation of the state of stay;

Support of contacts to bodies of the government of the state of stay, foreign and other departments, public associations, business, scientific and cultural circles, mass media, representatives of diplomatic coprs in the state of stay;

Performance of consular functions, the general management of activity of consular establishments of the Russian Federation in the state of stay, assistance to establishment and development of communications and contacts with compatriots living in it;

Distribution in the state of stay of the official information about external and internal policy of the Russian Federation, its social and economic, cultural and spiritual life;

Participation in preparation and realization of interstate exchanges on the supreme and high level, and also visits of official delegations, including delegations of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

The coordination on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia of questions of sending of delegations and representatives of federal bodies of the government and bodies of the government of subjects of the Russian Federation in the state of stay;

Protection of property rights and interests of the Russian Federation in the state of stay;

Realization of necessary measures on safety of Embassy, its employees and members of their families, organization when due hereunder of actions of foreign establishments of the Russian Federation and Russian citizens in the state of stay in conditions of extreme situations and management of their actions;

Representation and protection in the state of stay on the basis of the appropriate international arrangements of interests of the third states and their citizens;

Performance of other functions according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the state of stay, norms of international law.

Structure and organization of activity of Embassy

The embassy is headed by the Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Russian Federation in the foreign state, being the supreme official representative of the Russian Federation accredited in the state of stay.

The ambassador represents the Russian Federation, directly supervises the work of Embassy, bears the personal responsibility for performance of the tasks assigned to Embassy and realization of its functions, defines the structure of Embassy according to statutory acts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, allocates official duties among its employees.

In case of absence of the Ambassador in the state of stay, the Temporary Charge d'Affaires of the Russian Federation appointed when due hereunder from the senior diplomatic employees of Embassy executes his functions.

Russian Embassies Abroad
Foreign Embassies in Russia

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